
Become a TCI Ambassador

Are you passionate about casting a vision of the beautiful impact of thriving urban churches?

Do you have influential relationships with other urban ministry leaders?

Learn more about how you can be an Ambassador for Thriving Congregations Initiative.

Thriving Congregations Initiative Ambassador Program


Ambassadors connect urban churches in Michigan to conclusive assessment, coaching, training, and networking that results in effective discipleship and community engagement.


Ambassadors are trusted ministry leaders who have relationships with numerous missional urban churches.

The Plan:

  • Ambassadors reach out to ministry colleagues and cast a compelling vision of the greater
    impact of a thriving church. Thriving churches change the intangible landscape of their local
    community by embodying Christ incarnate and multiplying disciples.
  • Once a church commits to join a cohort in the Thriving Congregations Initiative,
    ambassadors connect a TCI program representative to their ministry colleague to begin the
    assessment process.
  • Ambassadors receive a gift of $250 when churches complete their assessment and training.


Ambassadors are not representatives of Cornerstone University or Nitrogen Network Ministries.
Payment is contingent upon church staff completing an approved assessment and coming to an
agreeable understanding with a TCI program representative after a face-to-face meeting.
Ambassadors will be notified after such a meeting, and the amount of payment will be confirmed.
W9 form must be signed and completed and sent to a TCI program representative before payment
can be processed.

Ambassador Referral Form

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